Since we left NC there has been a bit of a shift in culture. I always thought North Carolina was crazy-religious. RTP not so much, but as soon as you get away from the college belt in NC you could run into a bit of “Straw Dogs” action at any given moment. Even small towns like Hillsborough and Burlington has grocery co-ops and farmer markets … but small town Nebraska … Wal-Mart. Good thing I put stuff in the freezer for times like this.

And now that we are in Oklahoma it is so different. People are friendly and that is nice but every where we shop there is this in your face christian marketing. At a fuel stop on the way to Lawton there was a section for souvenirs, a lot of faux Native Americana that was “Made in China” (another rant altogether) and christian trinkets, clothing and such. At a truck stop? Seriously, you need a bit of fuel and maybe an iced beverage and oh yeah you need a foot tall plastic and metal cross and a hot pink t-shirt that says your heart belongs to Jeebus?

It’s not just that — there are the big ass trucks with low end lift kits complete with truck nuts and pro-Bush stickers. Never in my life will I understand why men have these trucks with the body lifted up but the differential is still low — it doesn’t help your clearance for off-road, it just makes you top heavy.. idiots.

I found some stickers amusing — like the Native American bitch slap on immigration. “Illegal immigration isn’t a new problem, we called it ‘WHITE PEOPLE’.” .. So full of awesome. Suck on that Republicans.

Anyhow, I had no idea really HOW narrow minded middle-America really was. Then … Election Day results … scary shit.

Categories: Randomosity


Lehnanne has shared with the internet her love of research, animals, and writing since 1996. She created and ran several independent online directories and communities. The desire to travel nurtured by every new duty station of her military family moves has stuck with her. When she is not busy being a cat servant and dog-mom, she enjoys exploring new places and dark chocolate.

MastodonLehnanne @ TurtleToot.usMichael @