Tire Pressure: Great to see it, but what should it be set to?

A couple months back, we posted about how a TPMS saved our bacon (link to that post).  A TPMS is great, but what should your tires be inflated to?  This is a question that many new RV’ers have because, in their regular drive around town car, they just inflate to the pressure listed on the door post of your car (you do.. right?).

The right answer for RV’s is a bit more complicated.
Warning: Lots of words ahead!

Office Space

After seeing the custom built desk Chris at GeekRV had, we went crazy with ideas for our workspace. Thanks to Ron Gatchell we have enough space, and it looks like it came from the Tiffin factory floor this way.   A few highlights and details about our design: The Corian is 144″ long, and Read more…

MastodonLehnanne @ TurtleToot.usMichael @ TurtleToot.us