I recently added another allsky camera to my collection.. This one, I put on the roof of our motorhome. You can check it out anytime at https://allsky.turtleherding.com.

And, of course, Comet C/2020 F3 (Neowise) has been in the news and is the first naked eye comet to grace the northern hemisphere since C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) back in the late 1990’s! And, Comet Neowise won’t be back this way for some 6800 years! So, anyone and everyone can and should get out to see it as soon as possible. It is visible both just after sun-set (in the North-West), and just before sun-rise (in the North-East).

Lucky me, my new allsky camera caught it last night! Here’s a still with the comet highlighted so you know where to look in the time-lapse:

C/2020 F3 (Neowise)

C/2020 F3 (Neowise)

And here’s the time-lapse of the night. Note that it first becomes visible at about 23:23 (timestamp top left corner), then gets clouded out about an hour later ( 00:13 or so ). It will rotate counter-clockwise around the horizon while it’s visible.

Be sure to go Full Screen with the video, and if on a laptop, crank the brightness up to the maximum.

NOTE: Using Safari? You won’t see the video — Safari doesn’t support webm. Please try Chrome, Chromium, or Firefox.

Hope you enjoy the time-lapse, now get outside and see it for yourself!


Resident Tesla nut and polymath. Raised in eastern Kentucky, joined the US Navy at 19 to operate a Nuclear Reactor on a Fast-Attack submarine. After finishing his enlistment, Michael has continued to follow his passions in technology, astronomy, and of course, traveling the country.

MastodonLehnanne @ TurtleToot.usMichael @ TurtleToot.us