You may remember that about 4 years ago, we built a remote observatory – we lovingly call the AstroShed. In the 3 years, through a combination of poor timing and poor weather ( for astronomy ), the AstroShed had sat mostly dormant, with only 7 completed photo projects:

Now, these are decent shots, and I have enjoyed collecting and processing all the data, but it’s not a ‘lot’ of finished photos for 3 years of time spent under a Bortle 1 sky.
In an effort to make better use of my investment in the gear and remote observatory, I decided it was time to relocate. We love Rusty’s, and plan to continue going there, but it just wasn’t the best option for a Roll-Off-Roof observatory.
Move the observatory? Not just the equipment? That’s correct… the ENTIRE observatory – building and all!
What’s it take to move an entire observatory?
- Planning
- Coordination
- A specialized tractor trailer + fork lift + squishy tire dollies
- A lot of patience and hard work
We’re bad bloggers…
Ya, by the time this is posted… the AstroShed has been at the new location for a year now! Instead of going through all the tedium that went into the move, I’ll let you enjoy this group of photos showing the move highlights! 🙂

Laura Cordero · 2022-11-11 at 15:50
It was a landmark when it was at Rusty’s.
Michael · 2022-11-11 at 15:52
Ya, I would have stayed if I could… hard to beat the support team I had there.. 😀
Herbie AKA Redjaguar 100 Travels · 2022-11-11 at 18:30
Well you had to do what you had to do, but WoW!!! A year ago… Oh Well, I hope the new location has worked out better for you.
Michael · 2022-11-11 at 19:34
Hi Herbie, indeed, the new location has been quite good. Unfortunately, the monsoon season this year was excessive — basically keeping the observatory closed for almost 6 months. The rains have let up now and I’m getting more data recently. 🙂
Barry Engleman · 2022-11-13 at 13:44
Where is Astroshed located now?
Michael · 2022-11-13 at 13:50
Hi Barry, I guess I forgot to mention that, eh? It is now at Astronomer’s Paradise, a mere 16 miles up the road from Rusty’s, but more protected from the prevailing winds.
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